Friday, April 11, 2008

Shorty Get LOW


Muhibahian #1 turned 20 last month.

And Muhibahian #2 turned 20 on Wed-nes-day!

WOOTWOOT! I'm the youngest, least wrinkled (albeit most saggy) Muhibahian left.

Its because I'm Indian, right?

Damn racist man you people.

Aaaaaaaaaaaanyways to dear MARIE LOW who's now an old aunty driving scarily around in the Myvi... HAPPY CUPPYCAKE BIRTHDAY BABES!

A coupla days late but sorry la, Indian timing and all that =D

Thank you.. for all those belly-dancing philosophy-spouting moments! Like not wanting to laugh before exams in case all your knowledge flies out or something like that. And telling a group of us in the backseat you're driving without your contact lenses -.- And following me on a five-course meal binge in college and moving from one stall to another so people won't realize how much we're eating! HAHA you're priceless la woman.

Eh sorry ar, this post a bit short coz my sister is singing Sean Kingston while doing weird actions like putting her hands above her head to symbolize a house.

Anyway, Marie get low low low low low low loooooooow I LOOOVE YOU!

Hearts and kisses from the Indian (the marginalized one. Its because I'm short right? Damn prejudiced man you people).

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